Dr. David J. Clarke

David J. Clarke is an alumni of Memorial University of Newfoundland’s graduate program in arts. He specialized in aspects of nineteenth century Britain, and completed a minor field in American history. Dr. Clarke worked as an instructor at both his alma mater and the University of Liverpool. A former newspaper columnist and historical researcher, he is the author of several works of Newfoundland & Labrador history. These focus on his home region of the Province, the former “Isles of Notre Dame” District. In existence until 2015, this Provincial electoral district encompassed communities on Fogo Island, Change Islands, New World Island and Twillingate. Dr. Clarke’s current research interest is the War of 1812. He has penned a book examining (reputedly) haunted Canadian sites with a connection to the conflict. Dr. Clarke is now working on a second volume relating to this topic, centred on locales in the USA. He makes his home in Newfoundland and Southern Ontario.

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